1 year since the local elections your local Conservative councillors have been busily working on your behalf to resolve local issues and improve our communities. Read the latest In Touch for Rothwell and Mawsley Ward to find out more!
- Keeping our communities and green spaces clean and tidy
- Securing resurfacing and repairs for local roads and pavements
- Working with local Councils, Police and partners to secure community improvements
- Ensuring our wonderful villages and rural communities have a strong voice
- Tackling speeding and crime nuisance
- Regularly visiting local residents to listen to their concerns - not just at election time!
Proudly serving and delivering for the residents of Foxhall, Glendon, Great Cransley, Harrington, Loddington, Mawsley, Orton, Pipewell, Rothwell, Rushton, Thorpe Malsor and Thorpe Underwood.
Click on the link below to read the latest In Touch for Rothwell and Mawsley Ward.